Pediatric Urology

Pediatric urology research group

Pediatric urology is s a branch of urology that deals with the disorders of children’s genitourinary systems. Pediatric urologists provide care for both boys and girls ranging from birth to early adult age. The most common problems are those involving disorders of urination, reproductive organs and testes. Bladder control problems such as bedwetting and daytime urinary incontinence. Main problems of this subspecialty includes: undescended testes (cryptorchidism), hypospadias, epispadias, pediatric urolithiasis (bladder and kidney stones), chordee and other minor malformations of the penis, phimosis, urinary obstruction and vesicoureteral reflux, pediatric neurogenic bladder (e.g., associated with spina bifida) ,antenatal hydronephrosis,  pediatric tumors and cancers of the kidneys, repair of genitourinary trauma, genitourinary malformations and birth defects, Prune belly syndrome, cloacal exstrophy, bladder exstrophy, and epispadias, ambiguous genitalia and intersex conditions. In Pediatric urology research group , these conditions are investigatspermsfn

    Detecting creditable urology research centers of the world to increase scientific communications and exchange ideas and bringing modern technology and urology for further scientific activities of Iranian researchers,
    Training urology researchers,
    Finding new methods of diagnosing and treating urologic diseases, esp. urogenital cancers using Nano medicine technology,
    Applying stem-cell in treating urologic diseases,
    Cooperate with relevant national research, executive centers for conducting research in the field of urology,
    Promoting the awareness level of the public on urologic diseases for prevention, early diagnosis, timely treatment and decreasing complications, morbidity and mortality.


    Urology Research Center, Sina Hospital, Hassan Abad Sq., Imam Khomeini Ave., Tehran, Iran


    (+98) 6634 8560